Illuminate 2020

Due to the current restrictions, we are not able to meet together in person to hold these events. But we are asking people to mark the anniversary by placing a light in their windows on Thanksgiving evening: Thursday 26th November.

400 years ago the Mayflower set sail for America. Amongst the passengers on board were a group of religious rebels whose homes were in North Nottinghamshire, South Yorkshire and Lincolnshire.

For the last five years we have hosted Illuminate events in November to commemorate our region’s connection to those pilgrims. These events have included artist led workshops in schools and with local organisations; lantern parades; and reflection in local churches linked to the Separatist’s story.

Thanksgiving is a huge celebration in America, which is linked back to the harvest meal the pilgrims shared with some of the indigenous peoples in the autumn of 1621.This was a time of gratitude for surviving against the odds after arriving in the wrong place, and also for the European settlers to thank their native allies - without whose help they would not have learned how to farm American crops.   

However, Thanksgiving also has a darker history. To the Native Americans, it is a National Day of Mourning, because the arrival of colonists eventually led to the erosion of their way of life. This reality to the Wampanoag Nation has historically been supressed.

Mayflower 400 brings together four nations – English, Dutch, American and Wampanoag to commemorate their shared history and celebrate the themes of migration, freedom, democracy and acceptance. The 2020 activities encourage honest reflection on the dark and light parts of the Mayflower story.

The wave of light we hope to create across our region on Thanksgiving evening has been inspired by a quote from William Bradford, who grew up in Austerfield and went on to become governor of Plymouth Colony. It's also an opportunity to join together safely and show our grattitude and solidarity across communities. 

Explore the rest of this page to discover ways to join in and shed light at home for Illuminate 2020.
"Thus out of small beginnings greater things have been produced by His hand that made all things of nothing, and gives being to all things that are; and, as one small candle may light a thousand, so the light here kindled hath shone unto many, yea in some sort to our whole nation."
- William Bradford, Of Plimoth Plantation
Below are several guides to making your own types of lanterns.  Once you have created your lantern, place it in your window on 26th November 2020 and send a picture with #OneSmallCandle

Simple ideas to turn a jam jar or milk bottle into an Illuminate lantern. Click the buttons below for instructions and a template:
Remember to share your pictures with #OneSmallCandle to be part of something bigger and spread the light further!
Below, there are more ideas for lantern making. 
  • Felt Lantern
  • Woven Lantern
  • Foil Lantern
  • Flower Lantern
  • Cross Stitch Lantern
  • Bottle Lantern
  • Tin Can Lantern
What you need to make the lantern:

50g felting wool in one colour
Small amount of other colours for decoration
A bowl of warm water
Soap or washing up liquid
A balloon
A towel
Bubble wrap
A battery operated tealight
What You Need To Make The Lantern:

A clean empty plastic bottle
Marker pen
Ruler or tape measure

Ribbon or thread for handle (optional)
A battery operated tealight or small candle
What You Need To Make The Lantern:

A4 sheet of Aluminium Craft Foil
5mm dowelling
7-8mm dowelling
Board or hard surface
Glass jar
Pin or needle
Pencil Sharpner

What you need to make the lantern:

PVA Glue
Cling Film 
Battery tealight
Greaseproof paper, kitchen towel or coffee filter
Sharp pencil
Old pot or jar
Microwave, iron or heavy book

What you need to make the lantern:

Aida 18 count fabric 
Embroidery Threads 
Embroidery Needle

Print Out of Cross Stitch Design
Double Sided Cellotape (strong)
Fabric Glue
Glass Jar or Plastic Bottle

You will need:
A large Nail
A Hammer
A towel to lean on
A Marker pen
A freezer
An empty tin can (such as a baked bean tin) Some wire to make a handle (optional)
A tealight / candle or battery operated versions

And once you've made your lantern you could visit...

Babworth ARTS Festival 

Babworth Arts Festival has also been adapted for 2020!

The festival usually takes place at All Saints Church, Babworth as part of our November Pilgrims Festival, but this year has been curated online. It's attracted a wide range of work, all inspired by the Separatists' Story in our region and it's resonance in the world.
The festival this year features photography, painting, poetry, drawing, music, sculpture and film from local amateur and professional artists.

Or find out more about Thanksgiving & the National Day of Mourning...