The generosity and kindness that has been displayed across the country recently reminds us of one of the leading separatists, William Bradford and his inspirational words that united people around the world 400 years ago.
“as one small candle may light a thousand, so the light here kindle hath shone unto many”
He is referring to their struggles and efforts leading up to their arrival in America and that it would serve as a light that will inspire many more to follow them (the way one small candle can light a thousand).
One act of kindness goes a long way and if we all do just one, we inspire more people to act in the same way – serving as a beacon of hope as William Bradford had foretold.
This September is the 400th anniversary of the sailing of the Mayflower and we have been working with our national and international partners to tell the story of the Pilgrims and where they came from. We play an important role in the anniversary as many of the Pilgrims came from Lincolnshire, Nottinghamshire and South Yorkshire, also known as the Pilgrim Roots Region.
Inspired by William Bradford’s words, we are asking people to light a theoretical candle and talk about what you’re doing in this time of crisis that positively impacts others. This could be as simple as putting up white lights as a sign of hope, following social distancing guidelines to protect others or donating to causes worthy of support at this crucial time.
Whatever that act may be, you are invited to post about it to demonstrate to the world that change doesn’t always have to be huge; but if we all come together, even in our own various states of confinement, we can make a big impact, particularly within our own community.
To participate, here’s what you can do:
1. Let it shine! Reach out to your neighbours from afar! Put a candle in your window or white lights on your house as a sign of hope and solidarity. Don’t forget to send us your pictures!
2. Post a video or photo telling us what you’re thankful for and how you’re giving back to help out during this time. You can find us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
3. Include these hashtags with your post:
#OneSmallCandle #IlluminateTogether #Mayflower400 #PilgrimRoots
For more information about the Mayflower story in the Pilgrim Roots region head to our click here. To keep up to date with the PilgrimaAGE campaign go to www.discovergainsborough.com/pilgrimAGE.
Has this post inspired you? We’d love to hear how!